
Teacher Hip-Hop

Greta Snitkutė – šokio mokytoja, atlikėja. Šokti pradėjusi prieš 10 metų Low Air šokio mokykloje, išbandė įvairius gatvės šokių stilius, šiuolaikinį šokį, džiazą, tačiau labiausiai Gretą sužavėjo hip-hop gatvės šokio stilius, jo kultūra ir muzika. Gilindama savo šokio žinias, lankėsi seminaruose Prancūzijoje, Juste Debout school su Icee, Link, Lietuvoje, žiemos šokio susitikime KOLONIJA su Maxim Orobets – Maximus Mad State, Patrick Willliams – Twoface, Bruno Caverna, Victor Rottier, Natalia Iwaniec, Alesya Dobysh, Carlos Aller, Marina Pravkina.

Už asmeninę šokėjo pažangą 2017 m. Gretai buvo įteikta Vilniaus miesto šokio teatro Low Air įsteigta perspektyviausio mokinio edukacinė stipendija. Nuo 2017 m. šokėja aktyviai dalyvauja Low Air profesionaliuose teatro projektuose, vieni įsimintiniausių: specialus šokio pasirodymas Popiežiui ir 30 000 žiūrovų „Tiems, kurie toli“, šokio spektaklis „LIKEDISLIKE“ Vaikų linijos organizuojamoje socialinėje kampanijoje „Sąmoningumo didinimo mėnuo BE PATYČIŲ 2020“, šokio etiudų vakaras „Didysis metų įvykis“ bei kitų kūrėjų projektuose: performanso menininkės Monikos Dirsytės performansas „Niekas neatims manęs iš manęs“. Greta yra viena iš Vilniaus miesto šokio teatro Low Air šokio spektaklio (ne)paaugliams „me two / Savoj krūvoj“ bendraautorių ir šokėjų. 2021 m. rugpjūtį įvykus šio spektaklio premjerai, šiuo metu trupė aktyviai rodo spektaklį užsienio ir Lietuvos miestuose, vykdo „Savos krūvos“ metodo dirbtuves jaunimui regionuose. Už geriausią 2021 metų spektaklį vaikams ir jaunimui, spektaklio komanda apdovanota aukščiausiu Lietuvoje teatro apdovanojimu – Auksiniu scenos kryžiumi. Dalyvaudama Vilniaus miesto šokio teatro Low Air veikloje, Greta atliko vaidmenį šokio spektaklyje „Mėlyna mėlyna“, nepagrindinį vaidmenį šokio spektaklyje „Su(si)tikimas“, dalyvauja tarptautiniuose projektuose, vienas iš jų – tarptautinis projektas su kūrėjais ir atlikėjais iš Lenkijos Po:ruszeni Stowarzyszenie Artystyczne.
2023 m. kartu su šokėjais ir kūrėjais Ema Senkuviene ir Mariumi Eidrigevičiumi pristatė garso ir judesio šokio spektaklio „Tiesa – Drąsa“ eskizą, kurio premjera numatoma 2023 m. gruodį.

Nuo 2019 m. Greta užsiima pedagogine veikla Low Air šokio mokykloje, 2022 m. baigė Vilniaus universiteto, Komunikacijos fakulteto, Kūrybos komunikacijos studijų programą bei įgijo socialinių mokslų bakalauro diplomą.


-Low Air šokio bendruomenė. Per 10 metų Low Air radau namus, draugus, o, svarbiausia, nuolatines žinias ir patirtis, kurios augina. Jaučiu, kad tai ypatinga bendruomenė, kurioje jaučiu abipusį pasitikėjimą ir norą pažinti. Gera matyti žmones, kurie išdrįsta ateiti į pirmą savo šokio pamoka, gera matyti kaip šokis išlaisvina ir suburia bei nuolat, nesustojant, augina ir skatina auginti kitus.

-Pedagoginis darbas su vaikais. Savo laisvumu ir kūrybiškumu, o kartais labai aiškiu požiūriu ar nuomone, vaikai skatina nuolat mokytis ir į šokį, judesį žvelgti kūrybiškai. Jaučiu, jog pamokose vyksta abipusis mokymasis, o vaikai mokosi dar ir vieni iš kitų. Mane labiausiai džiugina, kai mokiniai atranda save judesyje, priima savo kūną, pajaučia laisvę judesyje (ir žodyje).

-Akimirka Auksinių scenos kryžių apdovanojimų ceremonijoje, kuomet atsiimant Auksinį scenos kryžių už geriausią 2021 metų spektaklį vaikams ir jaunimui – „me two / Savoj krūvoj“, turėjau galimybę kalbėti ir pakviesti kitus daugiau kalbėti ir kalbėtis, patogiomis ir nemaloniomis temomis. Tuo metu jaučiau, jog šokio kalba drąsina, atveria ir augina, o sukurtas šokio spektaklis gali padėti atrasti ilgai atidėliotą pokalbį žiūrovams (ir kūrėjams).

Teacher's schedule


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Rukus, Laurynas

B (Beginner) – Total beginner. No dancing experience required.Breaking is probably the best known and most dynamic dance style of the whole bunch of street dances. It is full of acrobatic moves, light-speed movements of the feet, spinning on one‘s head or arm. Breaking today is a dance style with its own history, movement vocabulary, culture and lifestyle philosophy. The dance style today can be spotted anywhere from professional performances to small and large scale competitions around the world.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Vaiva

A/B (Advanced Beginner) – For those who have some movement/dancing experience. Or dancing experience up to 1 year.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: A (Advanced)

Teaches: Ema

A (Advanced) - More than 5 years of street / contemporary / ballet dance experience.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Juozas

A/B (Advanced Beginner) – For those who have some movement/dancing experience. Or dancing experience up to 1 year.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Aura

Waacking is a dance style that comes straight from the Funk and Disco eras – more precisely, it comes from the nightclubs of Los Angeles and got popularised by the legendary TV show „Soul Train“. The first Waacking dancers were creating moves by imitating black-and-white movie stars (such as Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell) and by trying to put all the hand movements, moves, lines and poses of that particular era into a single dance.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Brigida

B (Beginner) - Total beginner. No dancing experience required.Waacking is a dance style that comes straight from the Funk and Disco eras – more precisely, it comes from the nightclubs of Los Angeles and got popularised by the legendary TV show „Soul Train“. The first Waacking dancers were creating moves by imitating black-and-white movie stars (such as Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell) and by trying to put all the hand movements, moves, lines and poses of that particular era into a single dance.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Airida

A/B (Advanced Beginner) – For those who have some movement/dancing experience. Or dancing experience up to 1 year.The Hip-Hop dance consists of Hip-Hop music, techniques of different street dance styles and, most importantly, the freedom and uniqueness of a dancer. The dance style was born in the streets and nightclubs of New York and it has been constantly growing and changing ever since – there is a reason why this dance style is one of the best known and popular dance styles in the world.


Level: O (Open)

Teaches: Airida

O (Open) – Open for all levels (and no dance experience).Jazz is an African-American dance that has been around for more than a century. This dance covers a number of 1920s and 1930s dance styles - Charleston, Tap, Black Bottom, Shimmy, Suzie-Q and many more. We will improvise, search for our jazz and find out how this dance has changed over time and what it is like now.


Level: O (Open)

Teaches: Laurynas

O (Open) – Open for all levels.The name of the dance style says it all – this dance is danced to House music and, in the manner that is suggested by the music, the dance puts you in a constant the state of flow, puts a smile on your face and makes your feet do crazy things. If you decide to start House dancing, make sure to be ready for a lot of sweat, joy and unpredictable movement.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Greta

B (Beginner) - Total beginner. No dancing experience required.The Hip-Hop dance consists of Hip-Hop music, techniques of different street dance styles and, most importantly, the freedom and uniqueness of a dancer. The dance style was born in the streets and nightclubs of New York and it has been constantly growing and changing ever since – there is a reason why this dance style is one of the best known and popular dance styles in the world.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Airida

A/B (Advanced Beginner) – For those who have some movement/dancing experience. Or dancing experience up to 1 year.The Hip-Hop dance consists of Hip-Hop music, techniques of different street dance styles and, most importantly, the freedom and uniqueness of a dancer. The dance style was born in the streets and nightclubs of New York and it has been constantly growing and changing ever since – there is a reason why this dance style is one of the best known and popular dance styles in the world.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Vaiva

B (Beginner) - Total beginner. No dancing experience required.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: O (Open)

Teaches: Aura

O (Open) – Open for all levels.Waacking is a dance style that comes straight from the Funk and Disco eras – more precisely, it comes from the nightclubs of Los Angeles and got popularised by the legendary TV show „Soul Train“. The first Waacking dancers were creating moves by imitating black-and-white movie stars (such as Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell) and by trying to put all the hand movements, moves, lines and poses of that particular era into a single dance.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Ema

Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: I (Intermediate)

Teaches: Rukus, Laurynas

Breaking is probably the best known and most dynamic dance style of the whole bunch of street dances. It is full of acrobatic moves, light-speed movements of the feet, spinning on one‘s head or arm. Breaking today is a dance style with its own history, movement vocabulary, culture and lifestyle philosophy. The dance style today can be spotted anywhere from professional performances to small and large scale competitions around the world.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Juozas

B (Beginner) - Total beginner. No dancing experience required.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Elmyra

B (Beginner) - Total beginner. No dancing experience required.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Nikita

B (Beginner) – Total beginner. No dancing experience required.The Hip-Hop dance consists of Hip-Hop music, techniques of different street dance styles and, most importantly, the freedom and uniqueness of a dancer. The dance style was born in the streets and nightclubs of New York and it has been constantly growing and changing ever since – there is a reason why this dance style is one of the best known and popular dance styles in the world.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Nikita

B (Beginner) – Total beginner. No dancing experience required.The Hip-Hop dance consists of Hip-Hop music, techniques of different street dance styles and, most importantly, the freedom and uniqueness of a dancer. The dance style was born in the streets and nightclubs of New York and it has been constantly growing and changing ever since – there is a reason why this dance style is one of the best known and popular dance styles in the world.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Elmyra

A/B (Advanced Beginner) – For those who have some movement/dancing experience. Or dancing experience up to 1 year.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.

Grow Air. Company program

Level: A (Advanced)

Teaches: GrowAir

A 4-year program for young dancers and dance students from all over Lithuania, inviting you to get to know Low Air work processes professionally. The purpose of the program is to improve students' dance, movement language, "toolbox" and develop a high level of skills. Teaching methods: demonstration and practice of urban and contemporary dance techniques, analysis of sound, video and other sources of information, work in groups, creative tasks, observation, presentation and reflection of personal experience, providing feedback. Group work emphasizes the process experienced by each individual dancer. The program includes the language of movement created by Low Air, which is based on the forms of urban and contemporary dance and is the daily training routine of the company's dancers; learning the repertoire of the Vilnius City Dance Theater and providing opportunities to attend Low Air performances. The program is led by current and former Low Air School teachers and theater creators. The program is curated by the artistic director of Low Air Dance Theater Airida Gudaitė.

Slow Air

Level: O (Open)

Teaches: Laurynas

O (Open) – Open for all levels (and no dance experience).sLow Air is a dance practice centered on the middle-aged and older person. Classes are designed to meet your body, develop creativity, non-verbal communication skills, body motor functions, emotional and physical health, and at the same time be among others sharing the same space and time. While traveling around the world, we notice that dance unequivocally improves well-being, raises body tone, reduces the feeling of loneliness and destroys age-related stereotypes. Everyday movements can turn into a liberating dance that improves the physical and psychological state.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Laurynas, Rukus

Breaking is probably the best known and most dynamic dance style of the whole bunch of street dances. It is full of acrobatic moves, light-speed movements of the feet, spinning on one‘s head or arm. Breaking today is a dance style with its own history, movement vocabulary, culture and lifestyle philosophy. The dance style today can be spotted anywhere from professional performances to small and large scale competitions around the world.


Studio A

Studio B


Studio A

Studio B


Studio A

Studio B


Studio A

Studio B


Studio A

Studio B

Studio A

Studio B

[A (Advanced)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[B (Beginner)]
[18+] FULL

[B (Beginner)]

[B (Beginner)]

[I (Intermediate)]

[B (Beginner)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[A (Advanced)]
Grow Air. Company program

[B (Beginner)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[O (Open)]
[18+] FULL

[B (Beginner)]

[B (Beginner)]

[B (Beginner)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]
[7-11] FULL

[O (Open)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[O (Open)]
Slow Air

[A (Advanced)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[B (Beginner)]
[18+] FULL

[B (Beginner)]

[B (Beginner)]

[I (Intermediate)]

[B (Beginner)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[A (Advanced)]
Grow Air. Company program

[B (Beginner)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[O (Open)]
[18+] FULL

[B (Beginner)]

[B (Beginner)]

[B (Beginner)]

[O (Open)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]
[7-11] FULL

[O (Open)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[A (Advanced)]
Grow Air. Company program




Level: A (Advanced)

Teaches: Ema

A (Advanced) - More than 5 years of street / contemporary / ballet dance experience.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Juozas

A/B (Advanced Beginner) – For those who have some movement/dancing experience. Or dancing experience up to 1 year.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Ema

Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Juozas

B (Beginner) - Total beginner. No dancing experience required.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Elmyra

A/B (Advanced Beginner) – For those who have some movement/dancing experience. Or dancing experience up to 1 year.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Rukus, Laurynas

B (Beginner) – Total beginner. No dancing experience required.Breaking is probably the best known and most dynamic dance style of the whole bunch of street dances. It is full of acrobatic moves, light-speed movements of the feet, spinning on one‘s head or arm. Breaking today is a dance style with its own history, movement vocabulary, culture and lifestyle philosophy. The dance style today can be spotted anywhere from professional performances to small and large scale competitions around the world.


Level: I (Intermediate)

Teaches: Rukus, Laurynas

Breaking is probably the best known and most dynamic dance style of the whole bunch of street dances. It is full of acrobatic moves, light-speed movements of the feet, spinning on one‘s head or arm. Breaking today is a dance style with its own history, movement vocabulary, culture and lifestyle philosophy. The dance style today can be spotted anywhere from professional performances to small and large scale competitions around the world.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Nikita

B (Beginner) – Total beginner. No dancing experience required.The Hip-Hop dance consists of Hip-Hop music, techniques of different street dance styles and, most importantly, the freedom and uniqueness of a dancer. The dance style was born in the streets and nightclubs of New York and it has been constantly growing and changing ever since – there is a reason why this dance style is one of the best known and popular dance styles in the world.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Nikita

B (Beginner) – Total beginner. No dancing experience required.The Hip-Hop dance consists of Hip-Hop music, techniques of different street dance styles and, most importantly, the freedom and uniqueness of a dancer. The dance style was born in the streets and nightclubs of New York and it has been constantly growing and changing ever since – there is a reason why this dance style is one of the best known and popular dance styles in the world.

Grow Air. Company program

Level: A (Advanced)

Teaches: GrowAir

A 4-year program for young dancers and dance students from all over Lithuania, inviting you to get to know Low Air work processes professionally. The purpose of the program is to improve students' dance, movement language, "toolbox" and develop a high level of skills. Teaching methods: demonstration and practice of urban and contemporary dance techniques, analysis of sound, video and other sources of information, work in groups, creative tasks, observation, presentation and reflection of personal experience, providing feedback. Group work emphasizes the process experienced by each individual dancer. The program includes the language of movement created by Low Air, which is based on the forms of urban and contemporary dance and is the daily training routine of the company's dancers; learning the repertoire of the Vilnius City Dance Theater and providing opportunities to attend Low Air performances. The program is led by current and former Low Air School teachers and theater creators. The program is curated by the artistic director of Low Air Dance Theater Airida Gudaitė.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Laurynas, Rukus

Breaking is probably the best known and most dynamic dance style of the whole bunch of street dances. It is full of acrobatic moves, light-speed movements of the feet, spinning on one‘s head or arm. Breaking today is a dance style with its own history, movement vocabulary, culture and lifestyle philosophy. The dance style today can be spotted anywhere from professional performances to small and large scale competitions around the world.

Studio A

Studio B

[A (Advanced)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[B (Beginner)]

[B (Beginner)]

[B (Beginner)]

[I (Intermediate)]

[B (Beginner)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[A (Advanced)]
Grow Air. Company program

[B (Beginner)]

08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00



Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Vaiva

A/B (Advanced Beginner) – For those who have some movement/dancing experience. Or dancing experience up to 1 year.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Airida

A/B (Advanced Beginner) – For those who have some movement/dancing experience. Or dancing experience up to 1 year.The Hip-Hop dance consists of Hip-Hop music, techniques of different street dance styles and, most importantly, the freedom and uniqueness of a dancer. The dance style was born in the streets and nightclubs of New York and it has been constantly growing and changing ever since – there is a reason why this dance style is one of the best known and popular dance styles in the world.


Level: O (Open)

Teaches: Laurynas

O (Open) – Open for all levels.The name of the dance style says it all – this dance is danced to House music and, in the manner that is suggested by the music, the dance puts you in a constant the state of flow, puts a smile on your face and makes your feet do crazy things. If you decide to start House dancing, make sure to be ready for a lot of sweat, joy and unpredictable movement.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Greta

B (Beginner) - Total beginner. No dancing experience required.The Hip-Hop dance consists of Hip-Hop music, techniques of different street dance styles and, most importantly, the freedom and uniqueness of a dancer. The dance style was born in the streets and nightclubs of New York and it has been constantly growing and changing ever since – there is a reason why this dance style is one of the best known and popular dance styles in the world.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Vaiva

B (Beginner) - Total beginner. No dancing experience required.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Aura

Waacking is a dance style that comes straight from the Funk and Disco eras – more precisely, it comes from the nightclubs of Los Angeles and got popularised by the legendary TV show „Soul Train“. The first Waacking dancers were creating moves by imitating black-and-white movie stars (such as Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell) and by trying to put all the hand movements, moves, lines and poses of that particular era into a single dance.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Airida

A/B (Advanced Beginner) – For those who have some movement/dancing experience. Or dancing experience up to 1 year.The Hip-Hop dance consists of Hip-Hop music, techniques of different street dance styles and, most importantly, the freedom and uniqueness of a dancer. The dance style was born in the streets and nightclubs of New York and it has been constantly growing and changing ever since – there is a reason why this dance style is one of the best known and popular dance styles in the world.


Level: O (Open)

Teaches: Aura

O (Open) – Open for all levels.Waacking is a dance style that comes straight from the Funk and Disco eras – more precisely, it comes from the nightclubs of Los Angeles and got popularised by the legendary TV show „Soul Train“. The first Waacking dancers were creating moves by imitating black-and-white movie stars (such as Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell) and by trying to put all the hand movements, moves, lines and poses of that particular era into a single dance.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Elmyra

B (Beginner) - Total beginner. No dancing experience required.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.

Slow Air

Level: O (Open)

Teaches: Laurynas

O (Open) – Open for all levels (and no dance experience).sLow Air is a dance practice centered on the middle-aged and older person. Classes are designed to meet your body, develop creativity, non-verbal communication skills, body motor functions, emotional and physical health, and at the same time be among others sharing the same space and time. While traveling around the world, we notice that dance unequivocally improves well-being, raises body tone, reduces the feeling of loneliness and destroys age-related stereotypes. Everyday movements can turn into a liberating dance that improves the physical and psychological state.

Studio A

Studio B

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[O (Open)]

[B (Beginner)]

[B (Beginner)]

[B (Beginner)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[O (Open)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[O (Open)]
Slow Air




Level: A (Advanced)

Teaches: Ema

A (Advanced) - More than 5 years of street / contemporary / ballet dance experience.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Juozas

A/B (Advanced Beginner) – For those who have some movement/dancing experience. Or dancing experience up to 1 year.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Ema

Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Juozas

B (Beginner) - Total beginner. No dancing experience required.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Elmyra

A/B (Advanced Beginner) – For those who have some movement/dancing experience. Or dancing experience up to 1 year.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Rukus, Laurynas

B (Beginner) – Total beginner. No dancing experience required.Breaking is probably the best known and most dynamic dance style of the whole bunch of street dances. It is full of acrobatic moves, light-speed movements of the feet, spinning on one‘s head or arm. Breaking today is a dance style with its own history, movement vocabulary, culture and lifestyle philosophy. The dance style today can be spotted anywhere from professional performances to small and large scale competitions around the world.


Level: I (Intermediate)

Teaches: Rukus, Laurynas

Breaking is probably the best known and most dynamic dance style of the whole bunch of street dances. It is full of acrobatic moves, light-speed movements of the feet, spinning on one‘s head or arm. Breaking today is a dance style with its own history, movement vocabulary, culture and lifestyle philosophy. The dance style today can be spotted anywhere from professional performances to small and large scale competitions around the world.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Nikita

B (Beginner) – Total beginner. No dancing experience required.The Hip-Hop dance consists of Hip-Hop music, techniques of different street dance styles and, most importantly, the freedom and uniqueness of a dancer. The dance style was born in the streets and nightclubs of New York and it has been constantly growing and changing ever since – there is a reason why this dance style is one of the best known and popular dance styles in the world.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Nikita

B (Beginner) – Total beginner. No dancing experience required.The Hip-Hop dance consists of Hip-Hop music, techniques of different street dance styles and, most importantly, the freedom and uniqueness of a dancer. The dance style was born in the streets and nightclubs of New York and it has been constantly growing and changing ever since – there is a reason why this dance style is one of the best known and popular dance styles in the world.

Grow Air. Company program

Level: A (Advanced)

Teaches: GrowAir

A 4-year program for young dancers and dance students from all over Lithuania, inviting you to get to know Low Air work processes professionally. The purpose of the program is to improve students' dance, movement language, "toolbox" and develop a high level of skills. Teaching methods: demonstration and practice of urban and contemporary dance techniques, analysis of sound, video and other sources of information, work in groups, creative tasks, observation, presentation and reflection of personal experience, providing feedback. Group work emphasizes the process experienced by each individual dancer. The program includes the language of movement created by Low Air, which is based on the forms of urban and contemporary dance and is the daily training routine of the company's dancers; learning the repertoire of the Vilnius City Dance Theater and providing opportunities to attend Low Air performances. The program is led by current and former Low Air School teachers and theater creators. The program is curated by the artistic director of Low Air Dance Theater Airida Gudaitė.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Laurynas, Rukus

Breaking is probably the best known and most dynamic dance style of the whole bunch of street dances. It is full of acrobatic moves, light-speed movements of the feet, spinning on one‘s head or arm. Breaking today is a dance style with its own history, movement vocabulary, culture and lifestyle philosophy. The dance style today can be spotted anywhere from professional performances to small and large scale competitions around the world.

Studio A

Studio B

[A (Advanced)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[B (Beginner)]

[B (Beginner)]

[B (Beginner)]

[I (Intermediate)]

[B (Beginner)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[A (Advanced)]
Grow Air. Company program

[B (Beginner)]




Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Vaiva

A/B (Advanced Beginner) – For those who have some movement/dancing experience. Or dancing experience up to 1 year.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Airida

A/B (Advanced Beginner) – For those who have some movement/dancing experience. Or dancing experience up to 1 year.The Hip-Hop dance consists of Hip-Hop music, techniques of different street dance styles and, most importantly, the freedom and uniqueness of a dancer. The dance style was born in the streets and nightclubs of New York and it has been constantly growing and changing ever since – there is a reason why this dance style is one of the best known and popular dance styles in the world.


Level: O (Open)

Teaches: Laurynas

O (Open) – Open for all levels.The name of the dance style says it all – this dance is danced to House music and, in the manner that is suggested by the music, the dance puts you in a constant the state of flow, puts a smile on your face and makes your feet do crazy things. If you decide to start House dancing, make sure to be ready for a lot of sweat, joy and unpredictable movement.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Greta

B (Beginner) - Total beginner. No dancing experience required.The Hip-Hop dance consists of Hip-Hop music, techniques of different street dance styles and, most importantly, the freedom and uniqueness of a dancer. The dance style was born in the streets and nightclubs of New York and it has been constantly growing and changing ever since – there is a reason why this dance style is one of the best known and popular dance styles in the world.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Vaiva

B (Beginner) - Total beginner. No dancing experience required.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.


Level: B (Beginner)

Teaches: Aura

Waacking is a dance style that comes straight from the Funk and Disco eras – more precisely, it comes from the nightclubs of Los Angeles and got popularised by the legendary TV show „Soul Train“. The first Waacking dancers were creating moves by imitating black-and-white movie stars (such as Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell) and by trying to put all the hand movements, moves, lines and poses of that particular era into a single dance.


Level: O (Open)

Teaches: Airida

O (Open) – Open for all levels (and no dance experience).Jazz is an African-American dance that has been around for more than a century. This dance covers a number of 1920s and 1930s dance styles - Charleston, Tap, Black Bottom, Shimmy, Suzie-Q and many more. We will improvise, search for our jazz and find out how this dance has changed over time and what it is like now.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Airida

A/B (Advanced Beginner) – For those who have some movement/dancing experience. Or dancing experience up to 1 year.The Hip-Hop dance consists of Hip-Hop music, techniques of different street dance styles and, most importantly, the freedom and uniqueness of a dancer. The dance style was born in the streets and nightclubs of New York and it has been constantly growing and changing ever since – there is a reason why this dance style is one of the best known and popular dance styles in the world.


Level: O (Open)

Teaches: Aura

O (Open) – Open for all levels.Waacking is a dance style that comes straight from the Funk and Disco eras – more precisely, it comes from the nightclubs of Los Angeles and got popularised by the legendary TV show „Soul Train“. The first Waacking dancers were creating moves by imitating black-and-white movie stars (such as Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell) and by trying to put all the hand movements, moves, lines and poses of that particular era into a single dance.


Level: A/B (Advanced Beginner)

Teaches: Elmyra

B (Beginner) - Total beginner. No dancing experience required.Contemporary dance is probably the most visible dance style on the professional theater stage. It is not surprising, because the free and often improvised movement which technique consists of a mixture of ballet, modern, jazz, street and other dances, opens wide possibilities for self-expression for creators and dancers, and for the viewer - an aesthetic and unexpected form.

Studio A

Studio B

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[O (Open)]

[B (Beginner)]

[B (Beginner)]

[B (Beginner)]

[O (Open)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]

[O (Open)]

[A/B (Advanced Beginner)]



Grow Air. Company program

Level: A (Advanced)

Teaches: GrowAir

A 4-year program for young dancers and dance students from all over Lithuania, inviting you to get to know Low Air work processes professionally. The purpose of the program is to improve students' dance, movement language, "toolbox" and develop a high level of skills. Teaching methods: demonstration and practice of urban and contemporary dance techniques, analysis of sound, video and other sources of information, work in groups, creative tasks, observation, presentation and reflection of personal experience, providing feedback. Group work emphasizes the process experienced by each individual dancer. The program includes the language of movement created by Low Air, which is based on the forms of urban and contemporary dance and is the daily training routine of the company's dancers; learning the repertoire of the Vilnius City Dance Theater and providing opportunities to attend Low Air performances. The program is led by current and former Low Air School teachers and theater creators. The program is curated by the artistic director of Low Air Dance Theater Airida Gudaitė.

Studio A

Studio B

[A (Advanced)]
Grow Air. Company program

